
Wednesday, June 7, 2017

                                              My Top 10 Rules 

1) Always enjoy the small things in life: This is very simple make sure to always enjoy every single part of life.

2) Be smart: This is basically saying that very one of us very smart so embrace it. 

3) Be positive: Simple always stay positive in any sort of situation and always ignore negativity. 

4) Have Faith: This means that when you feel you are not going to succeed always have faith in yourself. 

5) Never give up: This is when you're about to quit and give up dont just keep moving forward. 

6) Be Friendly: This very important because being friendly can help you meet new people can help lead you to success. 

7) Be CTR: These is the most important key of all because we always have to chose the right. 

8) Remember Names: This is a very important key to help keep friends instead of losing friends. 

9) Always stay true: Always tell the truth never ever tell a false lie to anyone. 

10) Be Competitive: These means you should strive to become much better than anyone else. 
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                                                     Class  Evaluation  

1) There was many things that i truly enjoyed in this class. Some of my favorite things were such as reading amazing blogs and learning ways to succeed in the form of keys and seeds. Another great experience was working on projects with my classmates and enjoying gallery walks. My final favorite part was having such a great teacher such as Mr. Haymore.

2) The things about the class that i honestly did not like were multiple things he could change in the future. For example litting us use the computers for essays and project (not just for 10 min at the end of class). Some time you would never use them even though important projects were due. He would also only give us like 10 min of lunch and would rush us he would make us go in order by the time it was your turn the food was all gone.

3) The recommendation that i have are number 1 let your students from time to time use your computers for essay and project during class. Number 2 do not rush the school breakfast because we were always eating in a hurry we would not even enjoy our food. Honestly that is all that needs improvement because the rest of the class was very amazing.

4)  The highlight in this class for me was enjoying the gallery walk with all my friends. Also having a interesting learning experience with seeds of success and keys of success. They were very inspirational to help lead me to who i am today. Thanks to this class i learn to always show the best version of myself only.

5) I honestly did the my best int eh class it can reflect on my grade. Their were many times when i wanted to give up but i kep going and going. I tried my best when writing my blogs and keys to success. I honestly did put effort in my gallery walk to it was a very fun experience.

6) Honestly not every day because i have other classes to worry about. I do try to read it every other day thought i will try my best by reading it during summer. I will stay up on all my goals so i can live a happy successful live.

7) I will always choose the right for multiple reason and i glad ctr was introduced to me. I will apply it because it has help me to lead a much calmer live and staying away from problems. It makes me want to become much more than just some failure in school. I makes me want to become very successful and always Choose The Righ.

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Monday, June 5, 2017

                                  Top 10 Ten Rules For Success by Steph Curry

  1.  Visualize Your Goals 
  2.  Be The Hardest Working Person 
  3.  Stay Confident 
  4. Do It Your Way 
  5.  Be Creative 
  6. Stay In The Moment 
  7.  Better Yourself Everyday 
  8. Have An Upbeat Personality 
  9. Be The Best Version Of Yourself 
  10. Action Speak Louder Than Words  

Reflection: This was honestly a very eye opening moment for me because i never expected Stephen Curry to have such successful rules.  The first key he presented was visualize your goals this can be compared to my life planning journal. The reason being that we are always visualizing are goals in my computer class and even successful people apply a planning journal to their lives. Another rule was do it yourself the reason i believe this one is very important is because you should never really on any one to help you succeed because only you yourself can do such things in life. He also gave great point of view of how he or we should not care were we come from or what we have or who we are. The point of everything is just to be the best version of yourself you can be and work your hardest to succeed. My favorite out of all of them is better yourself everyday this one was the rule that stuck out to me the most because this rule can be applied all over  the place at home, work, and school. This important because we are not perfect so we need to constantly work on ourselves to improve and be the best person possible. I will try my very best to apply these rules every where i and in my life planning jour when creating my own goals and rules.  The question can also be how can i improve my self and be the best person of my self. These ten rules are the best 10 i have ever heard he gives it great perspective. 

Image result for stephen curry                           Image result for steph curry rules       

Thursday, June 1, 2017

                                          The Top 10 Rules For Success 

     1. Just Play

   2. Be Competitive

   3.  Always Take On New Challenges

  4.  Know Your Priorities

 5. People Will Judge You

6.  Work Hard

7.  # Believe You Are The Best
8.  Play For The Team

9.   Enjoy The Moments

 10.  Have  A Sense Of Humor

Reflection: I honestly think these ten seeds of success are great not only because they are by Cristiano Ronaldo. There is evidence that they work  for example, just look at his success rate and that should be enough proof. The unique things is that their is seeds such as have humor and believe your the best. These such seed are never seen in order 10 seeds so i liked that to. My favorite one was have humor this is good because it shows you that you do not always have to be so serious and to enjoy any small success to the fullest. another really important key that pops out the most was people will judge this is so true because any one who is trying to change or improve will always be judge no matter if your are the nicest or meanest person in the world. So he shows how he is always judge but he does not let him affect hes success. I will do my best to apply these seed to my life such as school, competitions, sports and my life planing journal.