Thursday, December 15, 2016
Class Evaluation
1. My favorite parts about the class is the amazing teacher Mr.Haymore because he is a very informative teacher . He helps us improve and make the best that we can be he makes us be much more productive. I also like the interesting quotes he always assigns the class which for are personal development.
2. Their is only one thing that i do not like about this class which that the class is just to short. It would be much much better if it was like 30 mins longer than what its is so we can improve exponentially. So that is the only thing i believe is truly wrong with the class everything else is great.
3. Well i think this class in wonderful as it is but i think it would be better if you could show us a little more coding. That would give are knowledge a boost and would be beneficial so i think more coding hours. I mean at least 30 mins more so basically i want over 1 hr of coding.
4. Honestly i gave this class like 90% of my interest so i honestly did give it almost my best but i didn't give it my full interest. Yes i did complete the work with a good state of mind i did not complain about it and just did it. But next semester my plan ill be to give it my best and attempt the best i can be and show my true colors.
5. The highlight for this class was that i got to meet new people in such a great class. I also got to improve myself as a person and with the great quotes my teacher provided me with. I also enjoy the amount of time we learned in coding which is going to help me in the future.
6. Honestly i have not been going on life planning journal that often i only go on it like 3 times a week or less. I also dont go on my sharpen the saw one often but recently in class i decided to actually track my goals in my vacation. So this entire vacation i will improve myself by working on my journal and making myself better.
7. Yes i am very committed to staying a CTR person and staying in path of good and god i will always follow the rules. The quotes my teacher provides me gives me the morality to want to be my best and improve. So i vow that i will give it my best to try and stay on the CTR path and only do good.
Monday, December 5, 2016
The 10 keys to personal power
Brian Tracy
Key 1: Clarity
"Have vision. Determine what you want to be, do or have in life. Have a sense of direction and know where you’re going. If you do not have clear specific goals in life, you are doomed forever to work for others who do."
When this piece of advice states to have a bison and determine where i am going it means to visualize to show what i want to be.To see myself doing that certain objective and see my self succeeding and improving at trying to become that certain objective. Then it says to have a sense of direction this means to know how your going to manage to arrive to your goal. So you want to know what your going to do like have resources and good accomplishments and maintain grades things such as that. What it means by if i do not know were i am going or what i plan to do to get their i am going to fail. This is saying that i must be ready to know what i plan to do so when the chance comes i can manage to accomplish such thing. I wont have to be stuck for someone else that wont ever lead any where.
Key 2: Competence
Key 3: Concentration
This quote inspires me to do many things for example its saying to me to do the best time of my time so this stating that i should work as hard as i can with my time. Honestly because time is really valuable and we cant afford to be wasting it and doing all these useless things. So i need to make sure that when i am on the clock i am using my time wisely and trying to do the best i can possibly be. Also i must be sure to always be asking myself if using the best of my time wisely or i am just using it in something useless and pointless so that something that i also must figure out. I will apply this to my daily life by always making sure i use the best of my time. So i will start to always keep track of my time i will try my time to stop from procrastinating like a little kid i will act more like a adult.

Key 4: Common Sense
- Train your mind
- think things through
- listen to your intuition
- learn from setbacks
This quote represents common sense by that it is showing us the basic structure of how to improve our state of mind. For example it is inferring to improve our thoughts and try to make them positive and to also always think with clear state OF mind. It also saying to listen to your intuition by that it is if your mind is saying something you do not want to ignore it you want to go along with it because it is your mind so it wants the best for you. My favorite one is learn from setbacks by that it means learn from mistakes and try to improve from them instead of putting your self down. I will apply this by following all these step which can lead to making me a much better person.

Key 5: Creativity
"Except the fact that every human being is a genius. The hallmark of creativity is asking questions. The people who are most creative ask the most questions."
What is creativity? Is being inspirational in the worst of situation showing a smart creative mind in the best of moments. Creativity is very good because it allows you to express yourself and to not become boring like every one else these days. SO you honestly want to show how bright you can be with a creative mind and show that even fun minds can be smart and secure. So also be as creative as you possibly can dont let the things others do stop you do what you think pops . Do not do something that every one always does . Like mom and dad would say always do you and it is okay to be different never follow others.

Key 6: Consideration
"The quality of your relationships with other people will determine your success in life."
"Develop the people skills you need to become a better communicator. Take courses in listening, speaking, etc."
"If you were to learn one new word a day, within 5 years, you’ll be the best educated person in history."
What is consideration ? Many say different thinks but today i will give you my perspective of what is consideration. One meaning to consideration is putting others first showing that they truly matter and their worth helping. Another meaning can be to prevent fighting or using foul language with others or towards them that will show them how considerate you can really be and make them think is he or she a great person ? Also be considerate about yourself make sure to take pride in your education and give it your best and take pride of your parents and your family and friends. I will try to apply this to every day life by doing all of my responses above.

Key 8: Commitment
"No success is possible without commitment. The ability to commit yourself whole heartily is the basis of achieving all success."
"Become totally absorbed in your work. Be totally committed."
This key is very important in every ones life no matter who they are if they do not have this key it is most likely the will never succeed. What is commitment? you may ask the fact that you keep trying and trying and you do not allow yourself from giving up when it gets hard. Commitment can be used in a sports and your education not only that even if you run a business. What helps is that you show how truly committed you are to succeeding and become the best possible version of yourself and you do not allow one single failure to ever take you down you just keep going. I will apply this to my life by never giving up and always keep going.
Key 10: Confidence
"You only get confidence by doing things over and over again ."
This is truly my favorite key out of all the 10 keys because this key is what helps you put together all the other keys and makes hold like a permanent super glue bond. You may ask why is this one so important? Well the reason behind this because you need confidence in order to do the other keys if you had no confidence then how would you be brave enough to do it you would not be able to show courage. I will apply this to my daily life by showing confidence when i apply all the other keys to my life. But what really is important is that you do not forget the confidence can always benefit you remember every skilled at something so always have the confidence.

Thursday, December 1, 2016
The 7 Habits Meaning:
The clip introduced me to a much better understanding into the design and meaning of the 7 habits. For example it showed how many book he had to read in order to come up with these habits he had read over 100 books. From famous love people like Gandhi, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln he said he found one key patter that kept continuously happening. This patter was that in these books it was not about how much money they had or how famous they were it was about their personality traits and if they were people who were true to them self's. For example he stated that some people might be putting all these habits into use but in their own beneficial way they would take advantage of people. For example to manipulate and control someone this is not the whole point of these habit he wants people to have a kind hear with no bitterness inside. So truly these 7 habits mean something another example he used a ice berg he said that the tip of the ice berg is mainly just personality what he hopes the habits do is it improves the rest of the ice berg which will focus on characteristics.

Thursday, November 3, 2016
What i mean by car find of century is that lucky couple found 180 classic cars in a farm house which was at the valued price of 35 million dollars.

This was really cool because i could never believe some one could ever find a collection as massive as this that was also worth so money it was so impressive to see so much money i one collection that what every car person hopes to find and dreams of. But honestly it was unexpected for the couple it self how would you feel to find a car collection like that? Well the way i would feel is filled with tons of joy and happy but i would first start exploring the entire collection to see which i like first and i am going to keep then i will let my parents choose one but i would like to work on some cars with them and my entire family so yeah i would be pretty excited to see what i would find.

This was really cool because i could never believe some one could ever find a collection as massive as this that was also worth so money it was so impressive to see so much money i one collection that what every car person hopes to find and dreams of. But honestly it was unexpected for the couple it self how would you feel to find a car collection like that? Well the way i would feel is filled with tons of joy and happy but i would first start exploring the entire collection to see which i like first and i am going to keep then i will let my parents choose one but i would like to work on some cars with them and my entire family so yeah i would be pretty excited to see what i would find.

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

Habit 1: Be Proactive
"Habit 1 is the key to unlocking all the other habits and that's why it comes first. It says, "I am the captain of my life. I can choose my attitude. I'm responsible for my own happiness or unhappiness. I am in the driver's seat of my destiny, not just a passenger."
What this in my point of view honestly its saying multiple things but on is more important than the others. It is saying that you must learn to choose your own path and not let others decide for you because if you allow that you will never get to control your own destiny. This means you meets to learn to do things and your own, make your own decisions and not allow any one else to make them for you like the quote says don,t be a passenger of your own life be the driver that is saying be the best you can be act the best and be the best and if you follow this rule you will follow a happy life. So i will apply this to my daily life by always making the correct decision and not allowing any one else to decide for me and always be the best person i can be.

Habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind
"Control your own destiny or someone else will." (Jack Welch)
"When you know where you intend to end up, you know where you are now." (Covey)
Well what i believe this means is you must learn to always live by the correct way and not follow what others do. The meaning behind that is that is you follow what every one else is doing your going to be living their life and not your own. So always make sure to try and do your own thing as long as it is the correct thing never do the wrong thing even if others thing its right but in reality its not always do the correct of you know it is true. Then you want to figure were your at and then you can try and design a path which you will choose to follow. So always try to think on does word never follow other and live your life on your own. Also always determine were your at so you will know what kind of path to follow.
Habit 3: Put First Things First
"Organize and execute around priorities."
This means that to always stay on track with your priorities and always make sure to accomplish them. This mean no slacking of and goofing around always try to do your best. Always give your work 100% of your effort and do not let any one distract you from your goal.So make sure accomplish what your truly after and always do the best you can it might sometimes not be perfect but what truly matters is the effort your going to put in your habits you always want to push your self to be the very best. So this means to me in the statement above i will try to apply this statement by putting it in my school life.

Habit 4: Think Win-Win
"Think win-win or no deal."
What this mean in my own point of view if that i should always only aim to get the full prize instead of just some. What id that i always want to go in with the point of view of always winning and not losing. To always do the best i can possibly do and not be the kind of person who only goes half way. That always manages to complete the task assigned at hand and never give up before completing it . So what "Think-win-win or no deals" means is that to always have it in your mind that your always going to win if you go in with point of view of i am going to win no matter what. I will apply this to my daily life by always by giving it my best.
Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, then to be Understood
"Diagnose before you prescribe."
What this means is that to make sure you know the situation before judge it or act on it. So say for example some one tells you to stop acting lazy but you get mad before they tell you i am just playing around . So you want to know the situation before you take action so like in the quote above.It states diagnose before you prescribe this mean some of the things above. So make sure pay attention to what always going around and don't jump to conclusions. I will apply this to my life by always diagnosing everything that happening before i act. So this was my point of view on this quote i believe it is a wonderful quote to live by.

Habit 6: Synergism
"The whole is greater than the sum of its parts (1+1=3)"
"The whole is greater than the sum of its parts (1+1=3)"
What this means is that the small things will never matter as much as the big things. This means that the little accomplish do matter but not as much as much the main accomplishment that will top everything over. That will decide how things will go so don' t forget always aim for the big fish don't take me wrong the small objective do matter and their the ones which help you get closer to it but never forget. So never let one accomplishment cloud your goal the main goal you might have. The way i will apply this to my daily life is by always making sure i complete my main goals and no to stop for the small goals in life.

Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw
The Four Dimensions of Self-Renewal: Physical, Mental, Spiritual, Social/Emotional
The Four Dimensions of Self-Renewal: Physical, Mental, Spiritual, Social/Emotional
So when you hear self-renewal what comes to mind? It means to improve your self but do you know in what ways? This quote is basically handing you the 4 ways in improving your self in more than one way. For example Physical this probably mean you want to improve your body structure to the point that your safe from getting sick because your in a god shape. Take this other one Mental this maybe just means you want to be ready in your head but not physically you want to have a tough personality that couldn't be broken. How can i apply this to my daily life? well honestly im going to have to take step by step and take my time so it actually means something. This point its to state that no point if you rush your not benefiting. SO honestly i am going to take my time on improving my self.

Reflection:The rabbits of highly effective people has motivated me to do more than just sit at home and watch TV. It has made me want to make myself better like habit 7. Which is self renewal this makes me want to improve on all possible categories and make myself much better than i am right now. My other favorite habit would be number 4 which is think win-win or no deal. This one makes me want to push self to my best because all i am picturing is the eye on the price and i am going to be satisfied until i win it. I will apply this habits 1 by 1 until naturally i manage to them with out having to think to hard about them.

Thursday, October 20, 2016
Simple ways to remember peoples names
1. Meet and repeat: Once some one tells you their name make sure to repeat it over and over.
2. Spell it out: These if for you to use once you have received a name practice it over and over.
3. Make connection: Your going to want to relate their name something
4. Make sure to care: You must be willing to care to show that you can
remember names.
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